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- NeoSoft Corp.
- Catalog of Products
- NeoSoft products are recognized among the best in the industry. Our
- software products have been highly praised by users and magazine
- editors for their innovative design and ease-of-use, have been
- awarded top industry honors, and frequently top sales lists in
- their categories.
- The following premium products are available from NeoSoft. You may
- obtain fully working evaluation copies of most NeoSoft products,
- which you may use for up to 30 days before registering. Evaluation
- copies are available directly from NeoSoft and through catalogs,
- on-line services, and bulletin boards everywhere. Our evaluation
- disks are fully functional and not crippled in any way. If you like
- the evaluation version and intend to use it beyond the 30 day
- inspection period, you should call to register the product.
- Registration gives you the very latest version, a printed manual,
- technical support, access to product upgrade offers, etc.
- QuikMenu III
- ------------
- Selected by PC Journal as the "Best DOS Graphics Menu Program",
- QuikMenu III is a powerful desktop environment for your computer.
- Update your plain DOS screen with icons, buttons, background
- wallpaper, etc. Its sophisticated menuing system launches your DOS
- programs with a single keystroke or click of the mouse. QuikMenu
- also contains a powerful file manager for copying, moving and
- deleting files and a full set of desktop utilities including
- network E-Mail, computer usage tracking, multilevel passwords,
- appointment calendar, calculator, and much more. You may never need
- to see the DOS prompt (C:\) again. Not memory resident. $35 (basic
- version), $45 with 500 additional icons.
- NeoBook
- -------
- The latest in state-of-the-art electronic publishing, NeoBook is a
- multimedia authoring system which produces disk-based interactive
- newsletters, books, electronic catalogs, educational materials,
- etc. The integrated compiler allows you to produce stand-alone
- executable publications which can be distributed royalty-free.
- NeoBook's intuitive interface and free-form layout makes it easy to
- create electronic publications with images, text, windows,
- buttons,etc. NeoBook even integrates with your favorite text and
- image editors. NeoBook is as powerful as your imagination. $45
- (basic version), add $10 for templates/wallpaper disk.
- NeoBook Professional
- --------------------
- In addition to the great features found in NeoBook, the
- Professional version adds support for playing sound through the
- PC's internal speaker, Sound-Blaster compatible audio cards,
- linking to outside sound editing software, playing Flic animation
- files and the ability to run other programs from within a compiled
- publication. Winner of the SIA Foundation and PC
- Magazine/Ziff-Davis awards for "Best Presentation or Multimedia"
- application. $89.95 (basic version), $99.95 (boxed version with
- templates, wallpaper, etc.)
- NeoPaint
- --------
- Simply one of the best paint programs you'll find. NeoPaint
- continues to receive rave reviews from numerous publications, and
- has quickly become one of the most popular DOS paint programs in
- the world. NeoPaint is extremely easy to use, yet includes features
- which would cost hundreds of dollars more with other programs.
- NeoPaint's abundance of drawing tools makes it easy to create
- illustrations for desktop publishing projects, edit digitized
- photos or just explore your artistic side. NeoPaint reads and
- writes 2, 16, 256 and 16 Million color PCX, TIFF and BMP files,
- includes dozens of drawing tools, special effects, stamp pad and
- more. NeoPaint is also ideal for editing images used by NeoBook,
- NeoShow, PhantomScreen, and QuikMenu. $45
- NeoShow
- -------
- NeoShow contains many of the same visual effects found in high-end
- presentation software. Now that power can be yours - at a fraction
- of the price. Use NeoShow to assemble PCX and BMP format computer
- images and Sound Blaster compatible audio VOC files into effective
- computer-based presentations, self-running exhibits, group presen-
- tations, etc. Add fades, wipes and other animated special effects
- between images. Simple to use, but surprisingly powerful. $35
- NeoShow Pro
- -----------
- Contains the same great features as NeoShow - plus adds a compiler
- with image compression to produce stand-alone executable presen-
- tations, and a run-time license which allows distribution of stand
- alone presentation programs. $89.95
- PhantomScreen
- -------------
- PhantomScreen may very well be the worlds finest DOS screen saver.
- This memory resident screen saver for your DOS programs detects
- when your computer is inactive and displays your choice of colorful
- animated images. When you want to use your computer again, simply
- press a key or move your mouse and the screen is restored. Many of
- the included animated screens may be customized to display in a
- variety of ways. Many options also allow you to use your own
- scanned photos or art work. Includes messaging, multi-level
- passwording, choice of hot keys, etc. Compare with the others and
- you'll find out why PhantomScreen is the best. $25
- NeoPaint Presentation Pack
- --------------------------
- The Presentation Pack combines the superior image editing and
- illustration capability of NeoPaint with powerful multimedia
- presentation tools of NeoShow. These two powerful products make it
- easy to create sales tracts, audio-visual aids, video catalogs, and
- more. Supports Sound Blaster and compatible audio. Includes
- NeoPaint and NeoShow - an $80 value! $69.95 (suggested retail)
- NeoBook Multimedia Pack
- -----------------------
- The MultiMedia Pack combines the extensive multimedia capabilities
- of NeoBook Pro and NeoShow Pro with the superior image editing and
- illustration capability of NeoPaint. These three powerful products
- make it easy to create electronic publications, interactive
- newsletters, books, sales tracts, audio-visual aids, computer-based
- catalogs, and more. Supports Sound Blaster and compatible audio.
- Text font and Template disk included. Includes NeoBook Pro, NeoShow
- Pro and NeoPaint - a $245 value! $169.95 (suggested retail)
- ----------------------
- Ordering & Information
- ----------------------
- For a dealer in your area, to order, or for more information please
- contact:
- NeoSoft Corp.
- 354 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 108
- Bend, OR 97701-4631
- VOICE: (503) 389-5489
- FAX: (503) 388-8221
- BBS: (503) 383-7195
- CompuServe: GO NEOSOFT
- NOTE: Fully functional evaluation copies of all NeoSoft software is
- available 24 hours from CompuServe (GO NEOSOFT) and the NeoSoft BBS
- as well as other popular BBS and online services.
- When ordering from NeoSoft, please include $5 U.S. Mail or $9 FedEx
- 2 Day for shipping & handling. For international shipments: please
- include $7 Air Mail, $10 UPS or $17 FedEx for Canada and Mexico;
- and $12 Air Mail or $19 FedEx for all other nations. Call NeoSoft
- for alternate shipping methods.
- We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Checks
- and money orders are welcome but must be in U.S. funds and drawn on
- a U.S. bank.
- Corporate customers may wish to inquire about our site license
- pricing. Volume discounts are also available. Educational
- institutions are also entitled to discounts on certain products.
- Dealer inquires welcome.
- (C)1990-1995 NeoSoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To place an order, please complete the following form and:
- Mail it to: NeoSoft Corp.
- 354 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 108
- Bend, OR 97701-4631
- Fax it to: (503) 388-8221 (24 Hours)
- or call: (503) 389-5489 (8:00-5:00 Pacific Monday-Friday)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Enter your name, shipping address and telephone number below:
- Name: ______________________________________________________
- Company: ______________________________________________________
- Address: ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- City: _________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________
- Country: ________________ Telephone: __________________________
- 2. Indicate number of units and shipping method below:
- ___ QuikMenu (single user) @ $ 35.00 each $__________
- ___ QuikMenu 10 User Site License * @ $ 199.00 each $__________
- ___ 500 Icons for QuikMenu @ $ 10.00 each $__________
- ___ PhantomScreen Screen Saver for DOS @ $ 25.00 each $__________
- ___ NeoPaint @ $ 45.00 each $__________
- ___ NeopPaint Stamp Collection @ $ 10.00 each $__________
- ___ NeoPaint/NeoBook Font Pack @ $ 20.00 each $__________
- ___ NeoShow @ $ 35.00 each $__________
- ___ NeoShow Professional @ $ 89.95 each $__________
- ___ NeoBook @ $ 45.00 each $__________
- ___ NeoBook Professional @ $ 89.95 each $__________
- ___ NeoPaint Presentation Pack @ $ 69.95 each $__________
- ___ NeoBook MultiMedia Pack @ $ 169.95 each $__________
- + shipping: United States: $5 US Mail, $9 FedEx
- Canada/Mexico: $7 Air Mail, $10 UPS, $17 FedEx
- Other Nations: $12 Air Mail, $19 FedEx $__________
- Note: FedEx/UPS cannot deliver to PO Boxes
- *Call for additional network/site license and dealer info ===========
- Total: $__________
- 3. Indicate payment method below:
- __ I've enclosed a check or money order payable to NeoSoft Corp.
- (must be drawn in U.S. funds on a U.S. bank)
- __ VISA __ MasterCard __ Discover __ American Express
- Card #: _____________________________ Expires: __________
- Signature: ______________________________________________